In the moment when the euro collapse seems reality, as a consequence of " global overshooting" where markets move irrationally in the absence of direction by governments, appearance of Mihael Milunovic Inc. seems like only existing model to bridge this complex situation.

Risk of having the currency disintegrated make the share investment in small and underdog enterprises a real challenge and possible venture capital gold mine.

The concept of Mihael Milunovic Inc. is to synthethize the politic power with the money market. Once this goal will be achieved there will be no more eventual stress possibilities for the market desintegration, since the governing and the stock exchange will form one.

In years to come the countries will close and isolate , leading to slowdown of economic growth, which will be probably, an advantage to the countries already isolated by international embargos ( Iraq, Yugoslavia, Cuba)

This slowdown will affect the biggest countries and not the periphery, as it was the case with the far East in 1997 crash.

This "free" imballanced and out-control capitalism can't solve problems without politic authorities; on the contrary those notoriously insecure regions of investment would become a new model to apply in the future bussiness society.

The actual markets are inherently unstable and leading to a very narrow , rigid and irrational vision of the world, sort of dangerous ideology, even more devastating than the communism itself.

Those virtual and real stock markets are in the conflict with the reality, and are not expected to meet social needs; Those markets are feared to death of borrowers from countries in developement ; this paranoia will cause closing of lendings and even rise punitive rates.

Mihael Milunovic Inc. is now running for two goals: presidental ellections and presence on the international money market . The ultimate goal would be to virtualy create a political (governemntal) platform with a real market values.

The "country" in classical term is not more important; what is important is trade possibilities abowe the production, expectance and aesthethics.

The newly promoted Mihael Milunovic Incorporated joining the global money market will increase its opportunities to create a powerful pan-European trading platform custom-designed for the high-growth investment opportunities created by our fast growing digital age.

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